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скачать бесплатно Total Commander 7.50 Beta 3 Rus

Total Commander 7.50 Beta 3 Rus

Полное описание материала

Total Commander - Популярный файловый менеджер с практически всеми необходимыми для таких программ функциями. С очень удобными встроенными просмотрщиками для мультимедиа и графических файлов, распаковщики ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE и дополнительные dll для других архивных файлов: встроенный ftp-клиент - можно скачивать/закачивать файлы в несколько потоков, есть докачка, поддержка www-прокси при работе с ftp и есть даже такая функция, как подключение-скачивание-отключение в заданное время к заданному ftp.

14.05.09 Release Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 3
14.05.09 Fixed: Internal associations lost their icons when changing colors in the program
14.05.09 Fixed: Hotkeys in groupboxes not working when Unicode (e.g. in multi-rename tool)
14.05.09 Fixed: Drag&Drop with SingleClickStart=1: Cursor could jump to other file when window is scrolled, so the wrong file would be dragged if nothing was selected
14.05.09 Fixed: Vista only: Drive dropdown comboboxes reverted to drive C: after switching away from TC and back
13.05.09 Fixed: Drive combobox: Highlighted item not shown initially (Vista only)
13.05.09 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Deleting files from RAR archive failed
13.05.09 Added: Breadcrumb bar dropdown list: Shorten very long names with ellipsis "..." (NT-based Windows versions only)
13.05.09 Fixed: Drive combobox: Width wasn't adjusted to uppercase drive letters yet
13.05.09 Fixed: Drive combobox: Color border around drive on systems before Vista when background color differs from system-default window background
13.05.09 Fixed: Ctrl+V in command line pasted the text twice

12.05.09 Release Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 3 (pre1)
12.05.09 Fixed: Background transfer manager: Enter key didn't work with the buttons +, - and Pause
12.05.09 Fixed: Search dialog: Increased default width by a few pixels
12.05.09 Fixed: Lister, Hex/Binary mode, Windows 98: Special characters like line breaks not replaced by dots if their width was invalid or 0 when using custom encoding
12.05.09 Fixed: Lister, Hex/Binary mode, Windows 98: Selection not working with different codepage when Uniscribe disabled
12.05.09 Added: wcx_ftp.ini [General] KeepMasterPassword= Allow to keep master password when: 1: program is minimized 2: screen saver starts 3: both
08.05.09 Fixed: Vista: Show correct icon for files even if there is a UserChoice registry key pointing to nowhere
06.05.09 Fixed: Increased width of speed limit field in background transfer manager by 1 digit
06.05.09 Fixed: More places with uppercase drive letter support: Calculate occupied space, most file operation dialogs like F5 copy, system info, set volume label
06.05.09 Fixed: Lister: Selection incorrect when scrolling horizontally while selecting text, especially when moving the cursor up/down some lines
06.05.09 Fixed: External viewer (default hotkey Alt+F3) didn't work on the Desktop
06.05.09 Fixed: Internal associations shifted by one if an association pointed to a non-existing search filter
06.05.09 Fixed: Ignore click on button which opened a popup menu (don't immediately re-open it) in button bar, bar change dialogs, change attributes, custom columns dialog, and main configuration dialog
05.05.09 Fixed: Error unpacking RAR file from Unix with Alt+F9 (unpack specific files) when archive contained folders
05.05.09 Fixed: TreeUpdateLimit option: Check tree file size before actually opening the file (via FindFirst)
05.05.09 Fixed: (forgotten from TC 7.0) Drive panel: When a drive was chosen which was hidden with DriveBarHide= option, the previous drive remained selected
05.05.09 Fixed: Couldn't type Russian big letter 'L' (Shift+K on English keyboard with Russian locale settings) in command line
05.05.09 Fixed: Quick search with search dialog didn't accept multiple double byte characters on Chinese Windows (reason: EM_GETSEL must be called via SendMessageW)
03.05.09 Added: Vista 64bit: Show pseudo-subdirectory "sysnative" in Windows folder to allow to reach 64-bit system32 directory
03.05.09 Fixed: Edit comment (Ctrl+Z): Changed length warn limit from 512 to 511 characters (limit of 4dos/4nt)
03.05.09 Fixed: Vista, drive dropdown list: Draw closed dropdown list in color "COLOR_WINDOW", not the color set for the file list
03.05.09 Fixed: Reduce flickering when resizing drive panel (only when themed) and folder tabs
03.05.09 Fixed: Folder tabs: Reduce flickering when changing dirs with multiple tab lines
03.05.09 Fixed: cm_Copy*PathToClip functions didn't correctly convert drive letter to lower-/uppercase
03.05.09 Fixed: FTP download from list: UTF-8 check was only made with first server in list
03.05.09 Fixed: FTP: Send CLNT command only when server either doesn't support FEAT command, or FEAT reports to support CLNT
03.05.09 Fixed: Edit current path while in virtual folder, press ENTER -> do not try to access a remote server with that name
03.05.09 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, save settings: Leading and trailing spaces in search+replace were not saved
03.05.09 Fixed: cm_editpath changed the path in the wrong panel when cursor was in a separate tree (only when invoked via hotkey!)
03.05.09 Fixed: cm_DirTabsShowMenu showed the menu at the current mouse cursor position instead of just below the tabs
01.05.09 Fixed: Windows classic theme: Incorrect pixel remain when moving separator of sorted header (e.g. date header when sorted by date)
01.05.09 Fixed: Access violation when plugin detect string ended with space(s)[/spoiler]

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ST1M (19.05.2009 в 17:05)

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